Tuesday, September 12, 2006

The Path to The Future!
“What is the future going to be?” is a question that we have asked ourselves at one time or another. On 09-11-2001 people all over the world… were asking that question. My first posting to this Blog was done in a “Blogging” class at my local community college on the fifth anniversary of 9-11. Check it out and you will see how I felt!

Actually…I really have no real answer to that big question….because I have two egg-size growths on my throat….and the surgeon will do a biopsy on 9-13 at 7:30 AM. It is a lymphoma problem…the biopsy will help us learn if it is a “biggie” problem or not!

Also, I have no real answer because our country has BIG problems and no Plans to solve those “Biggies”. Actually, I do have one plan that I think has possibilities. And that is that every American develop their own plan for voting for politicians they feel are competent for the job they want. Start thinking today about….what experience…education…training…..etc…..etc. does one need to be competent as the city dog catcher…..or the Mayor…Governor…Senator…President. Competent representatives have a much better possibility of developing and implementing a plan that works for….our cities…states….and country.

What is our number one problem in voting for the candidate that has the most competence for the job?
A big one is our “high school football team” rule; that is, they are “our” team and we will support them regardless of how well they do their job. They are our kids….and it’s only a game! But our elected officials are not involved in a game, they are impacting our Future. Let’s judge our candidates on our opinion of their competence to do the job, not on their team’s spin…..spin….spin….spin!

Improve our future….vote for competence!!!

HEY there!
Very nice BLOG. It looks like it is working well! Will see you in class.
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